
Showing posts from February, 2015
Saunas linked toreduced risk of fatal heart disease and all-cause mortality According to a new study frequent sauna bathing is associated with a reduced risk of  sudden cardiac death, fatal coronary heart disease , fatal cardiovascular disease,  and all-cause mortality. in men.  
Peanut consumption inthe first year of life reduces peanut allergies  A study conducted by the Immune Tolerance Network found infants who are at least 4 months who consume peanuts have an overall 81 percent reduction of peanut allergy compared to children who avoid peanuts in the diet.
Intense anger linkedto heart attacks \ University of Sydney research confirms that episodes of intense anger, defined as being ‘very angry, body tense, clenching fists or teeth’ within two hours of episode is linked with a 8.5 times higher risk for a heart attack.
One in three physicians would grantassisted suicide for dementia patents  A study published online in the Journal of Medical Ethics finds approximately one in three physicians find it conceivable that they would perform euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide  in patients suffering from mental illness, early state or advanced dementia or tired of living.
Positive Association found betweenair pollution and suicide  Research published in The American Journal of Epidemiology, had found positive associations between air pollution and suicide from short-term exposure to nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter among Salt Lake City residents between 2000 to 2010.
Sleep durationdeclines in American teens  A study in Pediatrics reports declines in adolescent sleep across the last 20 years are concerning. Female students, racial/ethnic minorities, and students of lower socioeconomic status are particularly affected; the study suggests that health education and literacy approaches may be warranted.