State closing down the hunt today because hunters and trappers had little difficulty killing wolves, slaying 82 in the first hours of this deadly scam (Image Credit (Animal Wellness Action)) t's hard to fathom what Wisconsin just did to its endangered wolves. After a brief but confusing legal fight – where the state's own Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recommended against a winter hunt that overlaps with the mating season for wolves – state authorities turned loose trophy hunters, hound hunters, and trappers to kill wolves on Monday of this week. Struggling to survive in a tough winter, where food is often scarce and the cold unrelenting, the wolves didn't have a chance. With the snow facilitating the tracking and allowed to hunt at night, to use cruel traps, and even to use packs of hounds to pursue the animals (undoubtedly resulting in something akin to a dogfighting situation), hunters slayed 82 wolves in the opening hours of what was to be a six-da...