It Must Be In The Water

That is the only theory one of my best friends and I had come up with today. Considering the last 72 hours of trying to communicate to that other species called males. We realized there must be something in the dam water they are drinking. They just don’t get it. I mean they are totally clueless.

Our latest run downs go like this;

Someone told someone he loved her than well basically said it is not you it is me. Talk about the kiss of death. After hitting him in head with 2 x 4 for long time he gets the theory she loves him. Fantastic! Yippee!! Then WAP! Well gee thanks bud for the lovely lunch break.

Another one had conversation with someone and yep slammed again. Something must be in the water. Oh, it is better with this one he doesn’t get it at all. It is like he was not present during whole conversation, high or drunk. Hell we haven’t figured that one out yet. Our theory yep he drank the dam water.

Men we realize have no clues. The movie clueless should have been based on males and just not getting it. They seem perfectly content. Tell you they love you then. Slam dunk. They need to find themselves, need to take time or whatever the dam reason. Evidently they never heard the theory that when someone comes along that is the best thing in your life don’t drink the dam water stupid. One day they just might not be there.

While you males are off doing whatever, we women are not sitting around waiting for you to get a clue. Between drinking that dam water and having Scottie beaming you up.
Evidently to a universe that we did not know exist.

Top it off our friend was driving home. Dam bird flew into her car. Yep, splat. Her conclusion he drank the dam water. We know it was a male bird. Why? Cause he couldn’t stop and think about what he was doing.

So on behalf of the sanity here of us women and us women who love you. Please do us one favor. DO NOT DRINK THE DAM WATER!!


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