Keep On Dancin

This will make sense to the special circle of friends, those with rainbows or waiting for them. It may make sense to our friends we have there with us that give us strength and courage each day. It may hopefully make sense to the rest of you.

Dancin with the devil in the rain. One more time you need to dance. Grant it I know from first hand experience along with those of us who have danced and are still dancing.
It is not easy when your doing the dancing in the rain and all you see is storm clouds. It is not easy when the storm clouds start to drop hard rain down and you feel as all you are doing is slipping on the ground and never gaining your footing. You look for shelter but there is none that you can see to seek out. The storm is fierce and intense and is tiring you out. You question the meaning of the dance what is the sense. You just want to lay down in the rain let it keep on falling. Lay on down and let him out dance your soul. You are tired of dancing, tired of the agony which comes with the dance. Getting worn down to the point that a deep sleep would bring relief not even caring about the world around you at this point. Telling yourself that no one really cares what is going on with you. You may even feel as if some of us just want to much at times. For your circle friends I can honestly say yes we do want one thing, we want you to dance this dance as if it was your last. We want you to get up and take our hand and we shall hold you up while you dance. We can not guarantee a perfect rainbow to come. We can however, promise to dance one hell of dance with you to the end no matter what that maybe. For those who you feel genuinely just take from you, walk away. Just remove yourself from them. Chances are they were not really your friend to begin with if they do not value your worth to them as a person and friend. For those of us who have danced we know how much the pain exists. I personally compared mine to the fact that I would rather give birth to twins at one time. Doing natural child birth because it would be a lot easier to deal with. For the record I did do natural once and no way would I wish that one on any female.

When you dance reach for the stars above, reach up to the skies. You may not realize it but while you are dancing their our angels of those we had lost once dancing in the rain with you, right at your side. Holding you up as much as you will allow them to do.

I started this group a long time ago. I had set forth rules which were basically simple and do make sense. We all say our good-byes at the beginning of the dance. We will not shed tears but rejoice in joy, happiness, light and love that our angels will be there with our friends. We will respect the person’s decision as it stands. For we each have free will and each have to make our decisions. I am not going back on my rules at this point. There was a reason why they were set. However, I will ask you to dance once more. I will hold you up. I will get every circle member and friend I can find to help you dance. I am not trying to change your mind. I am just asking for one last dance with us. I am asking on behalf of the love I and the others in our circle and your friends and family have. I can not force you to dance anymore. Nor can I snap my fingers and produce a instant rainbow. I can ask you for one more dance. I can offer to hold you through it all. If the rainbow does not find it’s way, I can promise to hold on to you till the end. I can promise to be with you at your side no matter what may come. I will laugh with you. I will cry with you. I will even get mad at the devil and this dance we do. I will stay by your side no matter it may bring. All I can do is ask you out of the love from my heart to dance with me and dance with us one more time. Do not worry about me dancing I do keep spare heels for the occasion. We dance with you out of our choice to dance. We have danced it before and know how it is to dance. We all will be with you through the first rain drop again through the hail storm and winds. We shall stand with you united and wrap you safely with us in our love and light. We will pray for you and bring our own rays of sunshine. We will do what we must to win this one.

My last words to you are this “Come dance with me in the rain, do not let the bastard win”.


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