And I Thought Dancing With The Devil Was Tough

I have danced with the devil to survive. I have actually won and found rainbow each time. It was a hard dance. For those of us who have danced or are dancing know how hard it can be. The pain, fear, tension, anxiety and whatever else you care to add into the mix. However, yep you knew I had one coming and yes it is the male species again. I guess they just can not stop drinking that stupid water or something. I am just so frustrated I could most likely scream at this point. Wait I have. Do not get me wrong here not all males are stubborn and so dam conforming in the me male you woman routine. Some can not seem to get past it though. I do not mean to clean house, have dinner ready. Oh no its much much worse it is the old adage I be male hear me roar or bleach whatever the case my be at the time. I have to do it all. I have to be responsible for all finances if not my dam ego takes a blow. Hello guys this is 2009. Just to give you a news flash while you are sipping that dang water. In todays world yes the real one here. It does take two persons to help run a household. So unless you have a mouse in your pocket or whatever else and please guys do not share that with me. Accept this fact.

Second news flash here for you males that have a mouse and a roar or roaring mouse. Keep on sipping. Hell I suggest you move on to something stronger now this may actually send you into shock. We women, most of us do not mind helping. Actually we do prefer it. I think I just heard one of you choke on that shot. Yes we do. Do not look so dang shocked. We were not all raised to let the man take care of it. Take a double shot now. We actually oh my God hang on guys we have a brain. We have careers, we know what we want. We do not mind helping if you would just ask. What is asking going to shrink your size down a few inches and not saying which one or both for that matter. We do not enjoy asking you for money either, or help. Hey we swallow our ego and pride at times not because we want to but because we have to in order to achieve our goal at the time. Goals you remember those men right, future, happiness, love of your life. Being with that one person you can not imagine living without. Sharing each other's lives and working together towards a future. It is not letting one do it and not the other. I swear at times I seriously think you expect us to be Donna Reed in the dang kitchen with a ruffled apron on and pearls. News flash here we are more like Rose-Anne Connor and work in order to help out. You forget it is just not your life it is ours too.

Like I said dancing with the devil was so much easier than trying to get through a mans mind while he is drinking that stupid water. We are not out to bruise your man hood. We are not out to be the so called bread winner. Yes we hate that term. Relationship men, two people not one here but two. It should not matter who makes what or who contributes what. If one person happens to have the means in a relationship to reach the goal you both want then it should not matter. The only thing that matters is being happy with one another and living your lives together. If I learned one thing from my many dances with the devil is this: life is too dam short...there may not be a tomorrow. I for one do not want to wake up one day and finding out a dream that could of been a reality was side stepped due to one persons pride. There is no such thing as perfect timing or ideal time. Carp de diem guys seize the moment. For moments can come and go faster than what you think.

For the sake of us women out here. Put down the stupid water. Take a deep breath and smell the dam coffee. Look us in the eyes and see the love we have for you and relax on who should do what. It is a joint effort. Cherokee belief with a kiss the souls of each other are combined to one spirit. So guys take the hint here we are one.


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