Food additives are substances added during the process of making your
food. But, some of these additives can cause health problems such as
heart disease..More
Online Survey of Moms and Pediatric Health Care Providers Explores Perceptions & Misconceptions of Head Lice in Time for a New School Year Can you tell if your child has head lice? Maybe you’ve been told that there has been an outbreak at school or daycare – do you know what to do next? Wendy Wright, MS and Family Nurse Practitioner alerts parents on what they need to know about head lice and results from “The Facts of Lice” survey. See more.
Do you know why it’s important to BE FAST when it comes to stroke? Stroke doesn’t discriminate. In 2019, countless people from recognized celebrities to next door neighbors have been in the news after experiencing a stroke. That’s why it’s important for everyone to learn the signs and call 911 if you or someone you know experiences a sudden onset of symptoms. Taking immediate action can help prevent brain damage and long-term disability following a stroke. The signs of stroke can be subtle and hard to recognize, so educating yourself and others is key to noticing and responding quickly. The acronym BE FAST stands for Balance, Eyes, Face, Arm, Speech, Time. If you notice a sudden loss of balance or vision, an uneven smile, arm weakness or slurred speech, call 911 to get immediate medical attention. Read more.