Survey Finds Business Leaders Optimistic for the Economy

Important Analysis from 2018 JPMorgan Chase Business Leaders Outlook Survey
American business owners are feeling better than they have in years, thanks in part to recent regulatory reform, corporate tax cuts and a steadily improving economy. But they’re getting nervous about finding the skilled workers they need to grow as their older workers retire, according to the annual JPMorgan Chase Business Leaders Outlook report released today.
Businesses of all sizes are concerned about the supply of qualified candidates: 45% of midsize business executives are extremely or very concerned about it, as are 31% of small business executives.
Among midsize businesses, optimism is up across the board, year over year:
  • 69% are optimistic about the global economy, more than double last year’s sentiment and the highest since the survey began eight years ago
  • 89% are optimistic about the national economy, up 9 points vs. last year
  • 75% are optimistic about their local economy, up 7 points vs. last year  See more.


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