Spring into Health Know Your Iron Levels

Danchi Sankyo, Inc. and the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation Launch Get Iron Informed

A change in weather can be a great time to jumpstart a healthy living mantra. For some people, this may include things like developing an appropriate exercise plan, drinking more water, paying special attention to diet, or visiting the doctor for a check-up.
Healthy living is also important if you are living with digestive issues from Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or celiac disease, because you may also have a condition called Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA). 
IDA is a condition when iron levels are too low to make healthy red blood cells. It can affect 36 to 76 percent of people living with inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. An estimated five million adults living in the US have IDA, and those with certain medical conditions are at a higher risk.More


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