Is Your Pet Bringing Ticks Into Your Home?

May is National Lyme Disease Awareness Month
In the summer months, not only do we spend more time outside, but our pets do too. Pet parents need to pay special attention to their pet’s favorite playgrounds, such as the backyard or the local park – especially those cooler places protected from the sun, such as tall grass and leaf piles.
Fleas and ticks thrive in these spots and are ready to pounce on your pets. In fact, fleas are the most common external parasite found on pets, and ticks can be found in most states in the U.S.
Fleas can jump from animal to animal, so it’s possible for these parasites to latch onto your pet at a boarding kennel, when out for a walk or at a local park. When a flea jumps onto your pet, it will start feeding within five minutes and can live on your animal for almost two months. Once in your home, ticks and fleas can also feed on and pose health risks to your human family members. Read more.


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