Safest States During the COVID-19 Pandemic – Updated


U.S. adults who report being vaccinated for COVID-19 or intending to do so as soon as possible continues to rise (currently 61%) and the share taking a “wait and see” approach continues to shrink (now 17%). However, 13% say they will “definitely not” get the vaccine and this percentage has basically remained the same since December, according to the latest KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor.

According to the CDC as of March 30 New Mexico had the highest number of people fully vaccinated at 486,883 and the least number of people fully vaccinated was Utah at 365,762. Experts estimate that it will take somewhere around 70% of the population to achieve heard immunity but some experts says it would take up to 90%.

With around 16% of the population fully vaccinated against COVID-19 as of March 31, and vaccination being an essential component for full reopening of the economy, WalletHub today released its report on the Safest States During COVID-19. Continue reading on Patch Farmington Hills


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