Biggest Irritations Of 2009

Since 2006 at the end of each year I list my biggest irritations of the year. So here we go the biggest ones I have endured for the years close.

I am sure everyone has seen the jeep commercial. Where we have these women who go to beauty salon and spend two hours getting their hair done. Mind you two hours in beauty salon is not cheap. Their hair comes out fantastic. They hop in their jeeps because nothing is going to stop them from driving their jeep. Okay no woman that I know of in her right mind will spend that time getting their hair done and blow it all to hell just to drive their jeep. Had to been a male who thought of that commercial.

Best Buy commercial now I like Best Buy I got this computer there. However, I know for a fact we don't pull up to best buy wondering what to buy someone and have a group of Christmas caroling employees belt out a song that tells what it is we want.

Geico commercial is not any better here. Grant it some are cute. The one with the boss wanting to do trust exercise and fall backwards on that little green dude. If that happened they would end up calling the insurance company Lizard or something. The little guy would of gone splat and all the helium in the world would not revive him.

Power tools. Oh yes here we go again with men and the power tools department Like I had stated before it is bad enough men drool over them, fondle them and if they could more than likely marry them. So what happens near Christmas time. We have to advertise the great American power tools sale. The tool companies just have to invent some new tool that has the ability to simplify life. So once again here comes another power tool home. That will be fondled, drooled on, caressed. The end result we will need to go out to the garage to find something and end up tripping over the dam thing. Why? Because after the ultimate orgasm the man has over this nifty new tool. It sits on floor waiting for us to just trip over the dam thing. Mind you it's effect of captivating qualities has long since worn off to the males erogenous zone and so it lays there remembering when it was held and fondled till that bright new shiny other harlot of a tool came home.

The pharmaceutical companies. Yep they made my list for sure. Gotta love those commercials for male enhancement drugs. Not only do they claim the man can go longer but oh my God ladies if we are lucky we can actually get another inch or two out of the deal. Makes you just want to rush out to the dam store buy it for your man and recreate the story of Pinocchio. It seems to be when we agreed to be with the person we are with we accepted them for who they are and not to change them. I thought this included their anatomy also, I could of been wrong. Is it not bad enough we have been told to get botox, breast implants, wear tummy flattners, and just about anything else we can think of. So now we are basically telling men hey buddy you need some help in your size. Then they attach a warning yet to it saying if you are erect for more than four hours seek treatment. Here is a fact of life if a man stayed erect for more than four hours and did not fall asleep on us we sure the heck would not be rushing him off for treatment but enjoying the ride.

Diets yep we had our share of these this year. Lose pounds instantly. Eat what you want and lose weight. Here is my question on that if we could eat what we want and lose weight why would we pay your company $300.00 a month to do this. Now you notice they show you cake and brownies...did ya notice they do not show potato chips in this commercial. Like they do not think we have common sense here. Go to the doctor have him give you a sensible diet to follow. Cut out starches and sugars. We do have brains and yes I know occasionally we do use them to think.

My old time ongoing favorite again the check out line. Big sign says ten items or less not ten plus. If you have more items in your cart than you have fingers on your hands evidently you have too many items. Push cart to line that does not have limit the rest of the world may appreciate it.

Friendly advice from your friends. We all have friends we all love our friends most of the time that is. Why is everyone seems to be able to offer unsolicited sage advice on your relationship. They think the person your involved with should do this or that. However, do they stop and think if you are not complaining about it why should they offer their unsolicited opinion. If we want one we will ask for it. Evidently our relationship seems fine to us or we would not be in it. They start off with their usual I don't want to say this or tell you this but I think.. Ok hold the phone if you don't want to then shut the hell up now before you stick your foot in your mouth. Then they rattle on how upsetting they know it is. What they fail to realize they are the ones doing the upsetting part. The end result here is either you lose a friend., or lose a relationship. As the old saying goes let sleeping dogs lay. If we want an opinion we will ask for it. Did it ever occur to you that you may not have all the facts at hand. So in order to save our sanity, our friendship shut the hell up.

The great Christmas let us show up someone shopping theory. We all love to spoil our children and get them what they want. However, this is not realistically possible all times. Yet you have Mr. and Mrs. Smith that just have to show up every parent in the neighborhood by having the most lavish Christmas light display, gift buying, spoil child rotten tendency. Just so they can brag and boast about it. For Mr. and Mrs. Smith here is a news flash of reality we may not all be able to afford to do what you do but at least we know that at the end of the holiday season we are still tucked in our beds warm, safe and content. Not hiding from creditors or moving our family to Mexico changing our names to Pedro, Juan and Gonzales.

The great bottle water debate. Gotta love this one. One brand tastes so much better than the other kind. Ummm hate to inform persons of this little fact but water has no taste. So how can someone state it tastes better.

Hunters verses idiots. As most of us know I am dead set against killing deer. This is my own personal belief. I have no objections to those that hunt in order to put food on their table for the winter. I am talking about those that go out and kill for the fun of just bragging on what size rack they got and have no intentions of doing anything with the meat. If you do not wish to have the meat at least take it in to be processed and give to a food shelter so others may have food on their table for their children that they are having a hard time providing.

Social site pictures. This one cracks me up . I mean right down to rolling on floor laughing my ass off. Men and ladies yep both are guilty here. Pay attention for once. Just because they happen to have a really hot picture up does not mean it is them. A lot of times you will find that same picture on photo modeling before you wet yourself and think you stumbled across a Greek Adonis or the most beautiful woman in the world pay attention here.

The world is coming to a end. Yes folks we have all heard it or seen the special it is predicted the earth will end in 2012. If that is the case then why don't the mortgage companies forgo every loan mortgage out there. Why do we have to pay for essential items needed. Why are we not getting our utilities for free then. It is just like Y2K scare. Just think first before you go and get yourself in debt building the fool proof shelter. If the world did end what good would that shelter do you?

That concludes my year end list for 2009.

I wish everyone a very joyous holiday season and a fantastic new year.
Universal love, light and peace to all.


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