Reflections Of The Year

As we are near this years end close we all take a moment to reflect on things that have happened and occurred. In the world as events had unfolded but mostly we sit and reflect on our past year. I truly believe everyone does this if not they really should. Reflection is not a way to take stock of our faults or others. It is not a time to remember the not so kind person that have passed through our lives. It is a time to reflect things had personally occurred to us in our lives the things we shall remember of this year that will come past.
I look back at my friends how glad for the new one's I have acquired and very happy to have my old ones so present in my life. When I was dancing with the devil they were right there by my side. Keeping me from jumping off that cliff and wanting to give up and call it a permanent day in life forever. They made me laugh and even cry. They held me when I needed it and cursed with me when I became angry. They stood by me the whole time never giving up on me even when I gave up on myself. They regaled me with events in their lives which prompted the future book "Don't Drink The Water Stupid". They stood by me with each idea I had and encouraged me along the way. For I love them all dearly and am grateful we have another upcoming year to share.
On that note I am glad I out danced the devil once more. Hopefully he has given up this time. If not I am sure my friends will be there with me again ready to kick his ass back down again. I reflect this moment in tears for those of us that just gave it all they had but their last song was played and they could not out dance the man in black. Their memory will also remain with me in my heart and soul.
I am glad for my fans that read what I write for if it was not for them I would not have a career. Actually I am not to sure what I would do if I could not write. I love writing and love the way the world around ones self can give inspiration to a person.
I am very grateful for my musician friends who let me use their music for my videos and help support my Musician Fight For Life charity. They are all very talented in their own rights and very true and genuine caring persons I have ever met. Yes guys I will be back for more music so keep on writing, recording and bringing the joy of sound to a peoples lives that you all touch in your own unique way.
I'm grateful and thankful for my sister. Who always is there when I need her. Who has stopped me from cliff jumping a few times and held me tight on these dam roller coaster rides. Not only is she my lil sis and business partner but she is also my best friend.
Lastly I am grateful for that one special person in my life. He has gone through so many rounds of my illness with me yet never let me lose hope. Even when I know he was scared of losing me. He has also backed me in any thing I wish to do. Shows me immense love around the clock. He inspires my writing and makes me finally smile after a long time of sorrow.
Ok one more lastly for my wolf girl who even though she insists on sticking wet nose in my face 100 times a day, wants to eat my shoes at times, tries to eat her sister the baby kitten, she never left my side when I was really sick. Hopefully the terrible two's only last for a year.
Even if you only have a few minutes today or tomorrow take time to reflect on the things that have touched your heart the most.