Recent Out Breaks Of Stupid Water Drinking New Reports In

And yep they are drinking it again. Ok, now my friends should know better. Oh I was so wrong with that thought. The miss I am done with him and not talking to him. Tell the girl then don’t call him you dam well know where this leads. Does she listen, hell no. Then she calls and says why did you let me. Ah, well I sent over mighty mouse to stop you from calling but evidently due to recent high winds he went off course. Bright side she is keeping the florist in business with buying daises to play he loves me loves me not. Wait I got another friend like that to. I am done that’s it. Minute later we are back at it again. Girls I love you dearly but mother nature needs time here to produce more daisies. Staples commercials are now really aggravating my nerves. First we have one person yelling Wow if that wasn’t bad enough we got two. Evidently who ever comes out with these commercials drank a lot of stupid water that day. Now what are we going to add in another one and call it T...