Leprechauns Now Providing Pots Of Stupid Water

Leprechauns must of run out of gold so now they are filling the pot with stupid water. How do I know this, easy several men lately have proved this theory and it isn’t pretty.
One male decided to play I am man see my ego soar with the bullshit I sell. Ok, yeah right sure you are honey your just what every woman wants. I think NOT! First off it irritates the hell out of me when they have the attitude every woman wants me. Then when they get informed by a few women ah nope don’t do it for us, they look at you with a expression that says Hu? What? Hu? Get a grip here your not all that. Or even some of that. I know we are all set in our ways. If you want to change or try to adjust and make concessions to your partner kudos to you. Don’t tell them you will try and in less than 24 hours go back to the obnoxious non-caring slug you were. Do not think all women are stupid and/or blonde. Hate to tell you this buddy we are not all air heads here. Like we can’t figure out that when you vanish and say I’m going with my bud for a day or two will call you and you don’t or call at times when you know we are not available or even hang up abruptly this doesn’t let off red flags. WTF get out of the dam pot of stupid water please before you drown. Let me tell you that honey, baby, darling bit does not go far when you step in it big time. We are not idiots. Yes, real men say I love you. Please do not hand us that crap no we don’t and while we are on that subject they even admit when they are wrong. Maybe you should try it sometimes. When we ask you something direct now here is the big one come up from under that water. We already know the answer we just want to see what the hell your going to invent. Here is a clue when a line of bull shit is not working maybe you should find another one better yet OMG tell the truth. That is if you are a real man and are capable. Otherwise your acting like a dam teenager. Get with the program and stop dunking your head in that pot of water. We know exactly what is going on.
We have the other type of males lately that decided hey pot of water looks like fun lets go in it drink it and show how dumb we can really be. For the men on social sites. If a female has on her status in a relationship take the hint. Don’t go under the dam water for another gulp. Do not send us messages that say I read your profile evidently you did not read it you drooled on the dam thing. If you read it you would never message saying would you like to go out? Or my personal favorite how much of a relationship are you in followed by how committed is committed. Id say about as committed as you are drinking that stupid water. Yet you pursue the issue of showing how much water you have consumed by stating he will never know. Hey chuckles did it occur to you we would know. Did it ever cross you brain we are in the relationship because we are in love and committed to that person. My guess nope your brain is now soggy from the stupid water.
I mean we know the human brain is 77 - 78% water but really know did you have to have yours all stupid water percent.
Now I have the dang Leprechauns knocking on the door collecting for the stupid water rehabilitation center. Guess they figured out they should of left gold coins in the pot.