Recent Out Breaks Of Stupid Water Drinking New Reports In

And yep they are drinking it again. Ok, now my friends should know better. Oh I was so wrong with that thought. The miss I am done with him and not talking to him. Tell the girl then don’t call him you dam well know where this leads. Does she listen, hell no. Then she calls and says why did you let me. Ah, well I sent over mighty mouse to stop you from calling but evidently due to recent high winds he went off course. Bright side she is keeping the florist in business with buying daises to play he loves me loves me not. Wait I got another friend like that to. I am done that’s it. Minute later we are back at it again. Girls I love you dearly but mother nature needs time here to produce more daisies.
Staples commercials are now really aggravating my nerves. First we have one person yelling Wow if that wasn’t bad enough we got two. Evidently who ever comes out with these commercials drank a lot of stupid water that day. Now what are we going to add in another one and call it The Three Stooges Go To Staples. Where do they think of these things. If that is not bad enough they actually get paid to write this stuff. OMG.
Then we have men. Oh come on now it’s been awhile since I bashed the male race here. I am not saying all of them but if you see yourself in here, well what can I say you must have several colons running around.
Male one here. This one is bright like a light bulb that is flickering in and out and getting dimmer. Let me tell you his dimmer switch about needs replacing. You mention to do something a half hour later he forgets. You remind again and ya right on it. Think I see snow falling now from the time it was mentioned to get done.
Male Two comes in looks around and ladies you can relate to this one …says do you want anything done…other than you receive a brain transplant …..look the hell around man…if you see dishes dirty try this concept I know its tough but work with me …Wash Them… hey they don’t do themselves….Or looks at trash and says ah garbage full…ya and…they walk away…Yep the little green men from the planet stupid are going to empty it….
Now I love my significant other with all my heart and usually have no compliments till now…I talk to man in morning and say hey what happened last night. My response hu? Why didn’t you call.. His response oh I didn’t call you thought I did…ok I’m now wondering what kind of water he is using to make his coffee in the morning…
Yet there are still these other males on social sites that now say yes I read your profile but would you like to chat on messenger. Ok, buddy if you read my profile saying I’m in relationship do you really think I am going to A) chat with you and B) have the time in my day and C) does that line really work for you? Evidently not since I’m the 30th female this morning you have used it on.
Another female I know not personally but know of has been really indulging lately loves one guy but tosses him out has old one move back in but in love with one she through out. Yep, made no dam sense to me either.
Now there is another friend who yep got into the water. Knows my office hours. Calls me on phone and says wow you working? Light bulb isle 5 needs changing here. I go what time is it ah 10 they say. I politely ask what time do I start work ah 8 they say. I responded so what do you think I am doing, there response I don’t know it’s why I asked. Oh ok, made sense to me not!
Then Walmart really I have nothing against that store besides that smiley guy not only rolling back prices but starting his own cult of stupid water people. You go to Walmart, get cart, go down isles common sense people one side or the other. Not both here. I think they need aisle like one way streets up this one down that one. Then you need a item off shelf, very politely , yes I can do that well sometimes, you say excuse me. The person is still standing there you say it again a little louder. After the fourth time they look at you and say Oh am I in the way, no I enjoy looking at a horses ass all day.
Yep its another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Dang leprechauns replaced their pot of gold with stupid water. Went on massive collection binge to get it back. All good. Don’t think so … I just heard the Easter Bunny is now on the loose.. Yep sad but true he is starting…lets replacing the inside of eggs with stupid water. Why? Well after all his name is Peter isn’t it.
Have a good day and avoid the water if humanly possible or at least the bottles marked stupid on them.