Cherokee Blessings Magazine coming in June. Monthly magazine taking you back to where life was simple and nature was in abundance. Cherokee Blessings ( taking you back to the natural and pure way of life.

Cherokee Blessings covers such topics as alternative therapies, medicines, herbs, alternative religions.
With a touch of magic in the air and dreams that need understanding. Cherokee blessings will unearth ways to kindle one souls and find your own undaunted essence within yourself to unimaginable results.

This magazine is for those of us who want to keep it simple and pure and not be burdened my societies traditional rules. We have a staff of writers who excel in their areas of subjects. We will bring you insightful articles to the cutting edge and main streams of life. We shall bring you stories, humor, interviews, resources and more.

The first issue will give you a taste of what is to come in the future and have you wondering what will be next.

Among our sections you will find:

Relationships and Guided Advice
Scoops on Non-Profit Organizations
Alternative Health
Alternative Religion
Healthy Tidbits
Dreams and meanings
Cutting Edge Stories
Interviews with authors, upcoming recording artists
Spot Light Profiles
and much more

Cherokee Blessings is the idea of Author Debbie Nicholson of the Love And Laughter Series and her blog spotlight on Don't Drink The Water Stupid. She is author of four books currently. Founded Special Circle of friends cancer support group and now will bring the non-profit organization Musicians Fight For Life to light to help those with cancer and cancer research.

New to the scene is her co-editor Michelle a write of erotica and making a mark soon on the literary world. Watch for her works in the near future.

The main staff includes Dawna our resident Herbalist, Kelly our girl to tell you about dreams and what they could really mean, Mike our cutting edge writer always going for that controversial issue, Mandi who brings her young writer talents alive here, she is winner of young author awards twice, and will be featuring some poetry written by the young and talented Joshua McCoy who is also Ms. Nicholoson's protege. Also joining our staff will be William bringing you his monthly page Wisdom and Thoughts... here he will share his own personal wisdom with you, need advice just ask, feel free to share your poetry or artistic ability too and prayer requests are always welcome..just drop it him a line at the magazine for him.

Suggestions and ideas are always welcomed just send them to

If you would like to be a contributing writer to our magazine just send us a short bio and example of your work, your idea of articles to

As I Walk with Beauty

As I walk, as I walk
The universe is walking with me
In beauty it walks before me
In beauty it walks behind me
In beauty it walks below me
In beauty it walks above me
Beauty is on every side
As I walk, I walk with Beauty.
Traditional Navajo Prayer


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