Women With Increased Weight Also Increase Chances Of Fibromyalgia

A study conducted in Norway has revealed women with a healthy weight and remain active have a better chance of protection against fibromyalgia. A painful arthritis illness.

The studies findings concluded that who were overweight had a greater chance of getting fibromyalgia.
Especially in women who were hardly or not active at all.

It is a well known fact that being healthy, trim, and active aides to prevent numerous chronic conditions and diseases.

Paul J. Mork from the Human Movement Science Program at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim led the study. Stated that the research shows a similar association that also consists for the development of Fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia is a severe pain disorder that effects 2 to 4 percent of the population. It is defined by chronic pain usually in the shoulders, neck, back, hips, arms and legs. Symptoms frequently include fatigue, depression, difficult to think and sleep. There is no infinite cause for this syndrome.

Mr. Mork had stated there is a connection between fibromyalgia and obesity. This has been documented in other studies.

The short conclusion presented are based on approximately 16,000 physically sound women, who were free of fibromyalgia and followed for eleven years. During the duration of the study 380 women developed fibromyalgia.

Overweight women had a 60 to 70 percent increased risk of developing the syndrome during the period of study, relative to the women who maintained a healthy weight.

The study also founded women who exercised four or more times a week had a 29 percent lower risk of developing fibromyalgia than women who were inactive.

The study is published in the May 2010 issue of Arthritis Care and Research.

If you suffer from fibromyalgia there are alternative treatments to safely relive the stress and decrease the pain.

Acupuncture a Chinese medical system based on restoring normal balance through the skin and different depths. The needles increase blood flow along with levels of neurotransmitters in the brain and spinal cord. Some studies have shown it does relieve fibromyalgia in some cases.

Chiropractic care treatment based on the belief that diminished movement in the spine could lead to pain and diminished function. Spinal adjustment is one form of therapy used to treat limited movement in the spine. The objective is to restore spinal movement and also improve function along with lowering the pain. The spine is manipulated from various positions, degrees and force. They will also massage and stretch the muscles that are shortened or in spasm. Always go to a licensed chiropractor for this procedure.

Massage therapy one of the oldest methods and still highly in demand. Using various manipulative
approaches to move the muscles in your body and the soft tissue. The goal is to improve blood circulation in the muscles and enhancing the flow of nutrients while expelling waste products. The massage will improve the range of motion in your joints and raise your own bodies natural pain killers.


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