Is It Too Early to Plan for This Year’s Holiday Season? (Short Answer: NO!)

Lifestyle & Smart Shopping Expert Shares Tips for Beating the Stress & Avoiding Debt

It always feels as if the holidays sneak up on us. Suddenly, it’s November and we haven’t started shopping, let alone saving!

According to the National Retail Federation, the holidays cost the average consumer over $800 -- making this magical time of the year one of the most expensive. When you add in holiday travel, the holidays can get quite pricey!

Almost half of all holiday shopping will be done online says 46 percent of the average consumer. Consumers will also splurge on themselves and others for non-gift items spending on average $131.59. Read more.


Greetings from the UK. Good luck to you and your endeavours.

Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.

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