Is There Something “Fishy” About Your Diet?

Study Reveals Most People Think They Get Omega-3s from Balanced Diet, Yet 98% Have Sub-Optimal Omega-3 Levels 

If you are what you eat, then consider the link between food and your health.  Even if you believe you are eating a healthy diet, it may not be possible to get all the nutrients your body needs from food alone. Case in point -- every human has a basic nutritional need for omega-3 fatty acids (O3), but the body can’t create them on its own.  O3 is known to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, and support brain, joint and eye health as you age.

 The reality is, it is difficult to consume enough of the nutrient via diet alone. If you are like many others who do not consume significant amounts of fish on a regular basis due to dietary preferences or a vegetarian lifestyle, supplements may be an effective way to ensure optimal nutrition. Find out more.


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