Todays Petitions

Save Critical Habitat for the Florida Panther

Target: Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar
Sponsored by: Sierra Club
No protected habitat exists for the Florida panther, the only big cat east of the Mississippi. And fewer than 100 individual panthers remain, making the Florida Panther one of America's most endangered species.
Scientists conclude that the panther's existing habitat is the bare minimum needed for the remaining population to survive. Five panthers have already been killed on south Florida highways this year, with an additional 24 panthers killed by vehicles in the preceding two years. This situation must not continue.
The Interior Department has the ability under the Endangered Species Act to protect the remaining habitat now. Urge Interior Secretary Ken Salazar to designate critical habitat for the Florida panther today!
deadline: Ongoing...
goal: 10,000

End "Finning" -- Save the Sharks!
Target: U.S. Senate
Sponsored by: Ocean Conservancy
The wasteful practice of finning -- slicing off a shark's valuable fins for soup and tossing the body back to sea -- must be stopped. The situation is grim for a growing number of shark populations who are in peril from overfishing and unsustainable finning -- we must do better.

The U.S. passed a national finning ban in 2000, but the practice continues and is still legal in many other nations. The demand for the fins -- which can sell for up to hundreds of dollars per pound -- remains high for shark fin soup, a delicacy.

The Shark Conservation Act of 2009 closes loopholes in the U.S. finning ban and can revitalize shark conservation efforts on a global scale. It must be passed without further delay. Please join us in sending a powerful message to your senators to end finning and save the sharks!
deadline: Ongoing...
goal: 10,000

Ensure Health Coverage for All Children in America

Target: U.S. Congress
Sponsored by: Children's Defense Fund
In the richest nation in the world it is unacceptable that millions of uninsured families can't afford to provide their children with regular visits to the doctor or dentist. Being uninsured also means more than just not being able to see the doctor. A child's health and development during their first few years has enormous implications for their education, lifetime earnings and health in adulthood!

The reality is health coverage for millions of families in America is just too costly. For millions more, the health coverage they have is inadequate or they have a difficult time keeping the coverage they have.

Clearly, our health care system is broken.

Fortunately, momentum around health care reform is building - the next few weeks provide our nation with an unprecedented opportunity to make critical changes to our broken health care system. Congress is drafting health care reform legislation right now - that's why it is crucial for you to contact your Members of Congress today to let them know that affordable, comprehensive health coverage for everyone - especially children - is important to you.
deadline: Ongoing...
goal: 15,000


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