Why Am I Dancing With The Devil

Simply because I can. I am not the only one dancing with him either.
I would like to thank those of you that sent me messages about doing my dance. You have taken the time to find out why and support the dance with me. However, I am going to take a moment to say for those of you who did not read the blog or have enough common sense to find out why before messaging me with some statement which I find to be a little rude ok a lot rude and inconsiderate, maybe you should of found out first. The dance is a very serious one as most of us are aware. I do not need smart remarks about how you would like to dance with me. If you have been paying attention to the blog and bulletins you would of known why. Instead you prefer to take out a minute or two and prove just what type of a jerk you can be. Then after you find out you just stammer a message on back to me. Like that old saying goes ignite brain before words leave your mouth and are put in a message that you will regret and feeling like a bigger jerk than obviously you were already.

One more time here I am dancing with the devil till there is a cure. The devil is cancer and too many persons are becoming inflicted with this disease. I among others are doing what we can to help find a cure and help those who have become a special friend to find their rainbows. No I nor them expect to save the world here. We are just trying to help our small part of it.

I personally would love not to be dancing here. I wish I could wake up and it would all be over with but unfortunately that is not going to happen. So yes I am dancing with the devil. Dancing to help friends find their rainbows. Dancing to win. Some of us in our circle can dance all they want and there will not be a rainbow for them to find. They know as well as we know the music will slowly fade and the last dance for them will be done.
However, if we all just took a minute to dance it may just make a difference in us watching the devil hear his music fade and dance his last dance.

So do me and all of us a favor. Next time you get a idea to spout off without knowing what you are talking about do something really easy. Shut up until you know what it is. If you don’t care to know what it is then shut up all together and let us dance in peace.


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