Where We Find Love

We all want love to be found. We all want to share that special feeling with someone. We want someone to share our life with, be our best friend, lover and significant other. We want to have this for one person for the rest of our life.

A lot of us have been looking for it to no avail. We feel as if at times we try to dam hard and then again maybe not enough. We see our friends so dam happy to the point it actually can bring us down and spark a little envy inside our souls. So where do we find love? I am sure we have all tried the general avenues of this one from dating sites to blind dates and don’t even start me on those. We sit home alone at night wondering if we will ever find it or is this our destiny just to be alone. Then you hear that infamous line “ you will find love when you least expect it. Yeah right sure not a problem. Ha bet me. Seriously make me a bet on that one. It is not that easy. You hear a lot of where to meet that perfect someone and just about try them all and to no avail so hey what the heck give it up.

Out of no place and without warning fate or destiny or whatever you would like to call it has to show you up. It insists on proving that dam saying is accurate and true and you find love. It is not where you expected it to be found. Most of the times you don’t even realize found it till your heart issues a warning sign in big large letters and in neon. “Wake up dummy you found love”. Most cases it always starts as a innocent chat. Just a conversation between two people and before you know it these feelings come into play. Warning signs are going off in your mind but you just don’t acknowledge them figuring its just your imagination. Which works well until you realize nope it’s not. Your in love and you find out the other person is too. Stunned is not the word I would use to describe that one.
You keep going over it over and over again. You can’t figure out just how the hell it happened. What changed and how. Makes you want to find cupid and give him a swift kick in the diaper. You should be thanking him but if your like me you just hate dam surprises and this one was one hell of a surprise. Now what you ask yourself. Been doing that and the only solution I can come up with is well basically it’s too dam late to turn back now.
So with that in mind I guess I will have to admit that old saying is true love is out there and you do find it when it is not expected.


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