Interview Author Joshua Mccoy

Author Joshua Mccoy
by Author Deb Nicholson

What type of writing do you do? (example history, romance, how to et...)

mostly romance and erotica, generally a smooth blend of both, but i branched out past a specific genre and wrote work that covers a broad range of topics so my work could appeal to any type of reader, no matter what there particular taste, everyone is guarenteed to find something they can relate to and enjoy in my writings.

Where do you get your ideas from:?

my ideas are inpired from events of the world, written from words selected deep from within my heart, and brought to life by pouring out bits and pieces of my soul through my fingertips.feelings that arise from deep within that are too complex to be said aloud is generally the main generator for my ideas. everything i write has meaning, nothing is or ever will be, fabricated.

When did you first decide you wanted to write?

it kinda first started out like a journal that had too many doodles in it and cost me two daily grades in my freshman english class, but now, its really grown way past doodles but in a way its still works of art to me.after i rewrote my journal, i decided to fully express myself in word form yet retain the creativity needed in producing works of art (sorry for any confusion on that)

How would you describe your writing style? writing style...i would say,indepth with reality and heart warming, two complete opposites that are on two seperate side of the world i know but wait hear me out.loneliness dwells heavily within my heart and the realist within me sees the world in an unorthodox way,when the two collide,one of a kind ideas just swell to the surface and i write in a pattern that matches the ideas floating in my head

Has anyone made a influence on you as a writer?
those who have bear me the kindness of talking to me have ending up becoming inspiration for my work in some way or another, i keep confidentiallity the top most concern and never get specific on names in my work

Do you have a set schedule for writing if not why?

i have made a vow to at least write two new poems or stories so i would not fall to the laziness that comes with enjoying life as it comes but ssometimes i lose the fight despite my best efforts :) but right now, i can happily say, i am winning! so far

Any hobbies and interests?

i like reading up on sexual inquires and increasing pleasures for the female counterpart, not for lust or the pics, but because sex has the taboo of being labelled porn or filthy and thousands shy upon the very mentioning of the subject, i research it to learn more about the female anatomy that half of the male population take for granted. i want to go that extra mile and discover the unknown so that i can truly be intune with another's soul not just their physical moaning, i love computer technology and i am a huge fan of anything japanese :) i find their culture extremly fasinating.i love writing (of course) listening to music and relaxing every chance that falls into my lap

Describe in a sentence or two how you feel when you write?

walking under the shifting all of a roaring waterfall and submerging urself in peaceful meditation with legs folded untill ur mind is clear of the world and ur body is completly free of alll tension and totally relax all throught.

What do you want to convey through your writing?

my longing for someone who understands the words and messages i bring forth in my writings and has the same desire just to be loved by someone who cares just like i deeply do.

Where do you see yourself in a few years from now?

hopefully still a wander among the road of living, happily awaiting the next twist and turn life plots to throw my way.

Any long term goals?

to become chairman of my own computer business company and to be a even greater writer for the world and for those who believe in me (to those who do,i sincerly honor and thank u all from the bottom of my heart for the support)

If you could give one piece of advice for new writers what would it be?

write what comes natural. never go fancy or change who u r on the inside to fit the tide,it shows up in your work when your faking.never give up on any aspect of life you value important to you, no matter what.

Anything else you would like to add?

i would not be where i am today if i was never given a shot by two sisters promotions, thank you!!! :)

To keep up with Joshua visit his Official Author Page


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