Interview With Author Rick Shamber

Interview with Author Rick Schamber
Author Debbie Nicholson

What type of writing do you do? (example history, romance, how to et...)

I wrote book for the outdoor and hunting enthusiast in some what of a how to and fashion with stories included.

Where do you get your ideas from:?

My ideas come from many years of self study of wildlife along with 36 years as a successfully hunter and guide

When did you first decide you wanted to write?
I have wanted to write for several years just never got around to it and when I found time this last winter I decided to start so with pen and paper I did.

How would you describe your writing style?

Straight forward factual how to information including real life story's with a light side

Has anyone made a influence on you as a writer?
First off I would have to say my father even though he wasn't a pro writer he did write lots about his experiences in the second world war and his life like mater of fact style is what i hope i can reproduce in my writing

Do you have a set schedule for writing if not why?

When I first started this book I did stick to a regimented schedule but as i went on with it I found its not how things would flow the best so I would write when it hit me and if it was for 5 lines OK if it was a whole story fine and I have gone back and looked over how it has all come out and I can see a difference.

Any hobbies and interests?

Yes I have many really anything outdoors hunting fishing golf wood working building turkey calls the garden im a trained master mechanic and master machinist and still like to tinker with that wildlife all of the archery and shooting sports as well

Describe in a sentence or two how you feel when you write?

It feels great to be able to share my experiences and to be helpful with information

What do you want to convey through your writing?
Good solid helpful information along with truthful how to knowledge with fun stories from the field

Where do you see yourself in a few years from now?

Continuing with my outdoors activities as a guide and outfitter along with teaching others about the out doors.

Any long term goals?

I think for me long term i need to continue to learn and share as much as i can. to me its important to give back the knowledge I have gained over the years and plan to continue doing so weather its through spending time with others in the field or in my writings

If you could give one piece of advice for new writers what would it be?

My advise would have to be to just go for it. If you have something to say or experiences to share you have to do it or you will always feel a need not fulfilled we all have something creative in us to keep it in is not the thing to do. There should be no fear write you always can go back and revise your work to perfection and when you have share it.

Anything else you would like to add?

Even though we have so many ways to gain information today there's no substitute for the personal touch. I don't know one person in my life or for that matter maybe on this planet that doesn't have something to share. You don't have to be a writer to do this. One can always volunteer in some way whether it in a school or some other forum to give that personal or creative ability a chance to come out. just do it the rewards are grand.


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