My friend

I must say that Miss Nicholson is a good friend maybe even the most awesome of friends. What a fighter she is maybe more of a fighter then all of us combined. Through our friendship I was able to begin a life long dream of writing only because of her inspirations. When I look back at my life and the hardships I have encountered mine are mild in caparison to hers. She everyday dances with a devil yet never loses her sense of purpose her wonderful wit or the awareness of her roots. You ask what devil well its cancer!! Yes that devil is a part of all our worlds. Can anyone say today that this devil hasn’t changed their world I sure you can’t? I have seen it in my family and in dear friends and lost my share. It’s been in my mom a survivor in the lose of my best friend to name a couple. For some it comes hard for others it is numbing for all it’s a tragedy. For my good friend Deb Nicholson it’s an outlet another way to express herself and a way for her to show the world she’s a winner. And what a winner she is! A writer of several books, numerous poems, promoter of new up and coming artists and most of all and most important a stanch advocate for a cure for cancer. Let me tell you Mr. Devil you don’t want this Cherokee girl after you. Her spirit rides on the wind fast as lightning supported by the souls of her ancestors toughened by the spirit of the wolf and free as the flight of the hawk yet bright and colorful as the rainbow. Yes Mr. Devil she will win and yes Mr. Devil your dance is done. For you dance with MY FRIEND.

Richard M. Schamber


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