Designate Critical Habitat for the Endangered Florida Panther
Target: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, President Obama
Sponsored by: Conservancy of Southwest Florida
The Florida panther is one of the most endangered animals in the world – current estimates place the population at only 80 to 100 individuals. Unfortunately, 45,000 acres in the panther's remaining habitat – an area twice the size of Miami – is currently under consideration for intensive development.
Habitat loss is the greatest threat to the Florida panther's survival, and science suggests that the lands currently in conservation do not provide enough suitable habitat area to support even the limited number of existing panthers.
The Florida panther was listed as an endangered species 41 years ago, but critical habitat has never been established – even though the Endangered Species Act requires the designation of critical habitat for endangered species.
Panther habitat is disappearing, and we only have until April 21 to file your comments demanding protection! Act today – and support the designation of the Primary, Dispersal and Secondary Zones as critical habitat for the Florida panther under the Endangered Species Act.
deadline: 4-21-2009
goal: 5,000
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