Expel the Hormones from School Milk!

Target: U.S. Congress
Sponsored by: Food and Water Watch
The federal nutrition programs are a major provider of milk to our nation's school-age children. According to the National Milk Producers Federation, nearly 430 million gallons of milk were distributed through the National School Breakfast, Lunch and Special Milk programs during the 2005-2006 school year. Unfortunately, a significant amount of this milk may have been produced with artificial growth hormones.

The artificial growth hormone rBGH, used to increase milk production, is unhealthy for cows and may be linked with some types of cancer in humans. RBGH is already banned in some countries, and U.S. consumers are increasingly opting for milk produced without it. Now, companies may be looking to school lunch programs as an outlet for milk consumers don't want.

We can't let pharmaceutical companies and corporate agribusiness dictate what's best for our kids! Urge Congress to ensure all schools have the option to choose milk that is free of rBGH!

deadline: Ongoing...
goal: 5,000
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