They Actually Do Hold Stupid Water Meetings

Never thought they would but they do hold meetings now for it. Us women knew men were starting to drink that stupid water when their ah well memory shall we say started failing or they were acting stranger than normal which is hard to tell. Depends on your definition of normal. We knew they had sold this water at Wal-Mart by the case. Now we have evidence they hold meetings. Yes it is true ladies, they now hold meetings for the stupid water drinking. The chapters name, what else of course, Men Who Drink Stupid Water. Where are these held? Yep, you guessed it at the Wal-Mart parking lot at midnight. Several sightings have been reported throughout the United States. It’s like a mass cult or something going on. Reminds me of the pod people. Umm could be on to something here.

Latest round of events was enough for us. We figured it could not get stranger or worse. We were wrong. Yes men I admitted it we were wrong. Not as wrong as the male population lately but wrong. Ok, not wrong just miscalculated. How can I say that. Easy for one thing it’s true and another well I’m the one who is writing this. Ok, cheap shot but effective. Of course after this some of my friends who are men may not find humor with me for a few days. It’s ok though I need the vacation. Now may be the time to take one. Men always say they can take a joke that’s good. Just too bad I’m not joking. It is not that we like bashing men. We don’t like making fun of them at all. Think of this as a learning experience. Yes, I’m laughing at the one as I’m trying to sell it. Oh hell their drinking the water it will work.

Mr. I don’t know what you mean there or what are you talking about is still confused as ever. Now he is loveable and kind and acts like all the prior events had never occurred. Then again when they did he didn’t remember them anyways. I don’t even think he remembers me. Kind of wish he would since I do work for him. It would be nice to be noticed here and get this dam book published soon. I can say this in public I know I have job security for numerous reasons like he needs me. I am good at my job and the best one of all he is dating my best friend so I have clout. Even if he did fire me he wouldn’t remember it cause he drinks the stupid water. Now we actually thought that only one country received it. Alas, it is not true. Another one does too. I know this first hand. Someone very important to me is now drinking it too. We had a conversation the other day and he became totally lost. Funny thing about it was he had started the conversation.
I ended up explaining to him why it was started ok, yeah no problem. Keep on drinking that water. Wonder if they hold those meetings out there too. Should go Google it and find out.

Mr. It’s not you it’s me. He drank a hell of a lot of that there dam water. Not only did he act like nothing happened in the first place. He intensifies the relationship more. Did she slap him silly? Unfortunately no, before we could stop her she drank some of that dam stupid water. We are now trying to deprogram her as we speak. It is not a pretty thing to do but we do what we must for those we love. Persuaded by a man now really who would of thought. Hope that deprogram hurries up here. She is starting to like those roll back prices commercials a little too much.

At least the male birds now have enough sense not to come flying into windshields anymore. Who knows there may just be hope for the males after all. If not, well we are going to be paying our deprogrammer a lot of overtime here. On that note ladies and gentlemen I guess I go back to work once more. Just one final plea on behalf of all my friends and this author “Don’t Drink The Water Stupid!!”


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