Send Bed Nets to Refugees in Africa for World Malaria Day

Send Bed Nets to Refugees in Africa for World Malaria Day
Sponsored by: Nothing But Nets

A few quarters here, five dollars there. They go toward coffee, newspapers, lunch … but they could also go toward saving a family from malaria.
From now until World Malaria Day, April 25, the UN Foundation's Nothing But Nets campaign is working with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to send 275,000 life-saving nets to protect African refugees from malaria—the #1 killer of refugees in Africa. And we need your help to make it happen.
We know things are especially tough right now. We're all looking for ways to save and spend our money wisely. But we also believe that $10 to send a net and save a life is a great bargain. Just $10 – that's bus fare for a week or a movie ticket – can buy a bed net, send it to Africa, and show a family how to properly hang it.
It's that easy. Get creative, grab your friends and family, and pledge to raise funds to send bed nets to refugees in Africa for World Malaria Day, April 25. And we'll put you on the Nothing But Nets map for everyone to see how you're pitching in to help save lives!
I pledge to ________________________, so I can help send nets to refugees in Africa for World Malaria Day. Add me to the Nothing But Nets World Malaria Fundraising map!


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