Before It’s Too Late

Before it's to late,
I want to lay with you each night,
wake up with you in the morning sun,

Before it's to late,
I want to walk with you hand in hand,
in the dusk of night,

Before it's to late,
I want you to hold me tight,
like you will never let go,

Before it's to late,
I want to feel your touch,
embrace our bodies entertained,

Before it's to late,
I want us to walk in the rain,
to do all the things we can,

Before it's to late,
I want to be with you,
share our love while I can,

Before it's to late,
Debbie Nicholson
Copyright ©2009 Debbie Nicholson

Ok now I probably got a lot of persons now confused. To date or as far back as I can think of never have I started a blog with a poem. For this one it was deemed appropriate. I can preach and give as many lectures as I want at times. I can yell what I have to say from the roof tops from here to heaven and back. I can put my words on a billboard or write them on paper and throw them into the sea. My point here sometimes it seems people really just don’t understand the message at hand. So here I am once more trying to convey it out loud and clear.

Before It’s To Late was written specifically with a few reasons in mind. One I had written it for someone because even though I love the person with my whole heart and soul I wonder if they get it. I wrote it on behalf of my support group because for us one minute can be too late. It just seems that no one is truly truly getting it yet.

When you have had your rainbow revoked or still dancing with the bastard of the devil to get one, certain things become really important to you. A lot of us refer to it as our wish list. Things that we need to do. Things that are in our heart and burning in our soul Some can be as simple as taking a ride on a merry go round, others grant it can be more difficult to fulfill. We each have our lists as to what is important to us. Sometimes to check a item off that list it requires another person. Whether it be a friend, relative, quittance or significant other. Persons may tell you they shall really try to fulfill them or attempt to. All in fine this is all we can ask. However, they need to bear in mind that while they are waiting to do this our clock is on a ticking spiral downward. If we hit the final gong they may just be left standing their with those famous words I had uttered so long ago “ I should of”. I know I had uttered those words years ago when I had buried my husband and yes those words still burn in my soul and ring through my memories each and everyday. Trust me you don’t want to be in that spot just like we prefer not to be in ours. We would love to get up each and every day and stretch, have our coffee and tally ho forward for away we go, If we finish our tasks at hand well cool. If we do not no biggy we will do it tomorrow. For those of us dancing here we may not have a tomorrow. Our minutes and seconds on the clock can just count down and go ding without notice. Each and every day we have to pick and choose cautiously as to what we do. For that day maybe our last one. The word trying does not really exist in our world. To us trying means if you do you do if you don’t you don’t. We simply aren’t afford that luxury anymore. We have to pick and chose so carefully. For if something should go ding and dong times up we can be comfortable to walk our soul away. Knowing we did accomplish what was in our heart and our list. We realize not all on our list will be done. We sure as hell can give it our very best effort.

My point to all of this is very simple one. If you are part of someone’s wish list, please and I am begging and pleading here. Something that is totally out of my character to do.
Make it happen for them if you can. Say someone just simply wants a walk in the park with you and you had a softball game. Just remember that softball games will always be there for you but the person asking you just may not. All I am asking is to put yourself in our shoes. What if it was you. You desired and wanted something that was really important. You find if time allows is your answer. Sometimes we just need to make the time Remember while you are trying to find the time to help us fulfill our wishes. We are the ones fighting each day. Every hour and minute just for the next 24 hours to be granted. So next time when one of us makes a request just remember we have a ticking clock going. Then ask yourself how you would feel if the person who asked you got their final gong. Could you live with the fact you did not try really hard to fulfill it. That maybe that one small thing to you they wanted meant the world to them. Now you have no take backs or do overs. Why? Simply because the clock has run out.


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