Sorry for interuption everyone I need big favor right now could you please call 313-298-1999 and request ALL OF THE ABOVE by CURTICE/MARKLEY and email the dj at fldav5@aol and request same....LETS ROCK THAT STATION ALIVE!!!

One more fav please could everyone of you plz and thank you email, im, post , twitter, facebook call 313-298-1999 request ALL OF THE ABOVE by CURTICE/MARKLEY and email dj at really really appreciate each and everyone of you for helping...your all number one to me..THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! ~HUGS~

I am sure some of you are wondering why I would put myself out their for someone. First off I always believed that you should help those who need help if you can do it. If you needed help I am sure you would be grateful if someone lent you a hand. Two they are friends of mine and friends do what friends do…they support each other through all things…lend a helping hand…and love and respect one another. So on that note that is why I am doing it. I would also do it for a complete stranger as most of you who know me would at testify to this fact.

The main issue at hand here is as follows: two persons with a melody and song in their heart decided to share this gift with others in hope of brining some joy to those of us who could use a dose of a smile a day. They simply decided to proceed thus producing their first song together “All Of The Above”. In essence this song as any other artist would was distributed to radio stations. Most radio stations look forward to playing new talent not only to enhance their programming but to offer something new and different to their listeners or at least this is what I had witnessed in the past. Most stations graciously do so. Most all take requests and most all do their best to play them especially when a lot of requests for a certain song came in.

It has been brought to my attention that a particular radio station and out of the fairness of good journalism and my own moral ethics I will not release their name at this current time or their call numbers but they do know who they are believe me. I am sure most of you have put forth a very logical and conclusive guess at it. Needless to say this does not matter that I name names. What does is the practices of this particular radio station and their broadcasting company. Yes they are about to drop their jaw, pen and yell get our lawyer on the phone. To this I do respond and I quote “ good luck I do have proof and I do have my legal right to voice my opinion on my own blog. So all I can say is deal with it. There is a old saying well actually several of them but my favorite here is “treat others as you wish them to treat you”. Let me tell you it does fit here.

The point here. A lot of persons have helped out to try and get this song played on this one station. Believe me there were over hundred callers and emails sent to request this song. Persons were told on the phone by the individual who answered it the disc jockey, cleaning woman whoever it was at this point it would not surprise me if she did answer it. Each was told it would be played. Hours past and nothing matter fact I believe to my count I have been waiting now 48 hours to hear it. I myself had called and explained to the gentlemen on the phone who had answered I was writing a article on them. I gave him my name Author Debbie Nicholson if he didn’t believe me google me for crying out loud. This is the internet age here. I also told him I would gladly mention his radio station in the article as one of those that are willing to give new artistes a break and play their music. He informed me and I quote “I will go get it now”. Ummm let me thinks here yep kind of means it is going to be played. I hate being lied to it really gets me mad. What makes me more irate is a lot of persons who took time out of their schedule to make a call to get this song on the air. A lot were told the same thing. My conclusion either they lie or are senile you choose. I would really in fairness to the station would like to hear from them and see what their rational answer is I will even allow them the curtsey of time to come up with one for media purposes. We shall see. I just needed to air this because it is so sad when so many persons go to help and those who wait in anticipation do not get the chance to hear what they wanted to.

Last note here and this is for the station I will be awaiting your response. I am easy to find trust me google me. In order to save you time I will make it easy for you use I am awaiting your response.


Unknown said…
I love ya deb!!!!!!!!!!Craig Michael Curtice of CURTICE/MARKLEY

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