Men Are Drinking That Stupid Water Again

Just as we had thought they learned their lessons and the rash of side effects were now over oh no they are back again at . Evidently since its summer time Wal-Mart decided to put the water on sale. Yep worse than last time.
Now it’s buy one case and get the second one for free. Great just what we need.

My friend and I decided hey lets try something new and inventive. Called the travel agent. He now notice I said he here it will be important later on. He recommend the hotel. Great place to visit he says. Ok so off we go. We should of got the hint right then and there when the radio started playing Hotel California by the Eagles. Nope never occurred to us. Check in time. Here we are greeted by the head nut. Yep I said nut. Yes a male of course if it wasn’t I wouldn’t have a blog here on how stupid water affects males now would I. Let me tell you about this lovely hotel. They expect you to work not normal hours here we mean dam near around the clock. They expect you to know what your doing. Newsflash here for the men who own hotel we actually do. You can’t talk to them because no matter what they are right. Even though you have years of experience in this, so you simply just say yes dear to shut them the hell up. Does it work? Ha! I wish. They have to have the last word, mind you it doesn’t need to fit the conversation at all. Just that they have the last word. What is sadder than that they admit to it. Ok, now come on admit that to a woman. Really really smart. Like we aren’t going to use it against you. Silly males. Drink some more water your intelligence is yet to shine through. Like I said doesn’t matter what it is you can bet it is annoying as all hell. My ex when he knew he couldn’t win the discussion had his famous one “whatever”. Meaning I have no words to use because you are right. Due to the fact though I am male and superior intelligence (roflmao) I can’t admit or won’t admit it. This hotel doesn’t even provide clean towels. We get told to air dry. Here’s a newsflash for the head nut in response to that just keep on shaken it baby you may actually rattle the brain stem in there. Yep we know what I am implying there on that one. Small verses large I will let you do the math on that equation. They don’t even leave a mint on the pillow. They call and beep at the strangest times. Yep lovely hotel to be at alright. Just for the record if the head nut thinks he got the last word think about this one. Baby evidently not. Since I am blogging males stupid moments in history. Don’t get me wrong we do love the owners dearly it is just at times yes at times and once again fill in the blanks. Then you hit that one moment when evidently the male laid off the stupid water and does something so beautiful and wonderful it brings a smile to your face and spark in your heart. All I can think of is he had activated charcoal and it got rid of the stupidness from the water.

Then there is my brother. Yep my brother my hero. Love him like crazy he always has been there for me but alas my poor heart breaks. He found the dang water. First he goes to work as a welder. Naturally he wears old jeans with rips and tears. Well my brother has rips in the most umm interesting places. Sparks drop down on him and shall we just say chestnuts roasting on a open fire. He felt something warm. Ya ok now you think that would give him a clue. Finally he figures out his pants are smoking and yes you guessed where. End result my brother does a Pee Wee Herman in public. Ah makes a sister so proud. Now if that is not bad enough he has to remind me about how the woman brag about his tongue size. Now I could of gone all day without hearing that one. I would like to warn the women in my county he is on the prowl once more. Like I said my brother my hero.

Then yep my favorite head nut again. Try holding a conversation on instant messaging with him. Don’t if you value your sanity. Of course to hear him tell it he can’t understand what I am saying. Why it is like short hand. Ummm lets see here writer shorthand you think the two can be related. So he gets grumpy at the writer here. Put it this way Oscar the Grouch would of ran and hid from him at that moment. Now he is gunna read this, dispute it, and it will be back to my fault. Well baby no it is not I know. Would you like to know how I know? Easy I didn’t drink the stupid water and well once again I am the one blogging it. How’s that for a last word.

Men they just do not get it at all. Now someone really close to me had enough common sense just to take a short cut and go straight to the gift giving and end his misery before it started. Still talking to him. I make sure he don’t touch the stupid water.

My ex comes in and slams mail on my desk. Says mail. Ah ah. Working here. He looks at me and says totally serious it is mail. No shit Sherlock I can tell. Pretty envelopes addressed to moi with address in corner. Wow.
What a air head. The water went straight to the brain. Unless he has a lobotomy there is no known cure for this condition.

Then I have another one on the loose. Says nice day better mow lawn before it gets dark. Good idea there Skippy. Looks at the window its already past 8:30 at night and says totally serious wow its getting dark. I never knew it got dark outside till he told me. Glad he did I was always wondering why the sun went away. Drink some more water with the other one waiting for the wizard from oz to grant him a brain.

I would love to send my apologize to the men I picked on but don’t think so. Why not? I know my ex will say that. I won’t because I am right and once again it’s my blog.

Do not get me wrong here I love the men in my life. Really I do it is just at times I can do without them. Like when I’m in bad mood and say drop it do not keep going at it. For when you do, well yep your in my blog.

On my last note my friend and I are accepting applications for this lovely hotel. So drive on down and join us. Do not pay attention to the song Hotel California if it plays after all it is just a song or is it?


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