Curtice/Markley New Release

Curtice/Markley once again has brought their amazing new sound to light once more. Now available is their new song “Down And Durty” (rough mix). With just enough cutting edge sound to keep you dancing in your seat.

Their first song “All Of The Above” had left their fans wanting more. So once again they have brought their flair to us once again. Since that first release they now have a fan group set up for all their fans to be able to keep up with events of their music and general on goings in life.

Not only do they donate their gift of music to the world to enjoy. They also have donated this talent to the cause of one of the nations leading deadly disease of cancer. They have joined forces with Author Debbie Nicholson in her cause for cancer awareness and support. They currently are working on a new song for Ms. Nicholson’s book trailer featuring her book soon to be released “Dancing With The Devil” the account of her and some of her friends struggles with this disease.

In new announcements for this amazing duo of new country/rock, they now have opened their official site
Stop on by and feel free to sign their guest book, leave a comment if you wish. This new site lists where you find the duo on the internet.

Curtice/Markley has some future projects in the works. So stay tuned and keep on eye on this duo as big things are projected for these two.


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