Ask Congress to support H.J. Res. 18

Targeting: members of the US Senate and members of the US House of Representatives
Started by: Endangered Species Coalition
Before leaving office, the Bush Administration snuck through midnight regulations that would weaken the Endangered Species Act. The regulations make it harder to protect polar bears, gray wolves, canadian lynx, pacific salmon and thousands of other endangered species.

The Endangered Species Act is the safety net for our nation's wildlife, fish and plants on the brink of extinction. The Bush Administration's new regulations cut a hole in the safety net and take scientists out of the decision making process.
Congress can overturn these regulations, but they need our support to do it. Please write your Members of Congress and urge them to save endangered species by co-sponsoring H.J. Res. 18 which would use the Congressional Review Act to overturn the Bush Administration's regulations.

Please send a letter now and help to stop the Bush Administration's last attempt to weaken our environmental laws.

Sign Letter!
Please Save the Endangered Species Act by Cosponsoring H.J.Res. 18


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