Erma Bombeck Was Right If Life Is A Bowl Of Cherries What Am I Doing In The Pits

No truer words have ever been spoken. I use to read everything this woman wrote. She could take daily life and make it so funny you could not stop laughing. She did have a valid point here “What am I doing in the pits”.
When it comes to relationships and life we sometimes feel as if we are in the pits. That the situation at hand is like one gigantic pit and we try to climb our way out to no avail. That no matter what we want, we are currently in our situation and there is no way out at the current time.
We all have to make choices at one time or another. Sometimes we make these choices not so much solely for ourselves but also for those around us that we love in our own way, whether it is our kids, friends or partners.
We do what we think is best at the time even if it means paying the consequences not being able to be or have what we really want. This is who we are as a person. Putting others we care about first and dealing with it as it comes. Grant it we may not be happy about it but we must do what we have to in order for those we care about.
There are persons whose present living situation is not their choice. For if they could make it different they would. Unfortunately they needed to do what they had to at the time for others. It does not mean they enjoy where they are at or do not wish they could of made the other choice. Sometimes it is not that easy. Sure we all could be selfish and do what we want and not take in account anyone else but in the end karma would bite us in the butt.
That and for the fact we do have compassion. It would be so easy to tell ourselves forget it. Let the consequences be dam. However, we know others would be deeply affected so we do not make the choice. We do what we have to do. Are we happy about it. Definitely not but we would not want to make others sad, scared or feeling hopeless. So we go on day to day telling ourselves that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. One day hopefully soon we can rejoice in it.
We all know why we made these choices. They are ours to deal with the best we can currently. When you need to explain this choice to someone else it becomes increasingly hard. It is not that we doubt the choice we made. It is hard to convey why to the person. Probably because they have never been in that situation before or just will not open their minds to your reasoning. It would be fantastic and easier on our lives if they did. Yet somehow they just can not accept it. We are sorry our reality and present situation is not what you want. It is not what we want either. If you truly loved and cared about us you would try and understand. We are not asking you to agree with it. We just want you to open your mind and try to see where we are coming from. It is not easy on us either here. Reality of it is it is a lot harder on us. For we are the one’s who are dealing with it from day to day, hour to hour, minute to minute. Try walking in our shoes just for one day and you will see what we are talking about. All we are asking of you is for your patience and understanding. Not your criticism or badgering of us. This is not helping us at all and is just making us want to distance ourselves from you and your life. We prefer to remain in it. We just can not take any added unnecessary bull to go with it. So just bear with us as we have to bear with the situation at hand. Enjoy what we can offer your life and be happy with that. Happiness is in the moment. For which we live in the moment. So next time you would like to complain again before the words even leave your mouth, kindly do not speak them. If you feel the urge of them coming out then do us both a favor and leave. Come back at another time when you can be respectful of our choice we had to make.
Yes life is like a bowl of cherries and some of us are in the pits. We all try to look towards the light at the end of the tunnel.


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