Writers That Write

A lot of my friends out there that are writers can completely understand this one. Writers write that is what we do. We do not keep set hours, half the times I think we even forget where we are. We write what we feel, we write what we know, we write from the heart. As a writer we have all had questions about writing, we gladly answer them the best we can. Once in a while comes a question or two that can just either irate you to death or is so comical that the next thing you know your writing it. One friend that I have who has known me for awhile and states he does read what I write would have never asked the following: “What is it you exactly write”. My normal response is about life, the world around me and things that are happening.
My response should have been about you and your question in my blog.
I am really glad he reads everything I write. Many more fans like him and I could get unemployed here. Do not take that wrong he is a dear friend who after all this time should have known the answer to that one. Then he asks “What are you writing next”. Fair question, the usual I do daily and whatever happens around me or in life next. His response like what? Mine how do I know it has happened yet but keep going your doing good. Hu? He replies. Yep he got a hold of that stupid water. Ok sorry but I just had too there.
As a writer I am convinced of a few things in life. At times we have no life. We do not get set days off. Paid vacations or holidays. We do not have set hours. I did try that once. Setting a block of time, oh that worked really well. Which explains why I am working on a Sunday. I really love my friends I do but at times…. Of course if it was not for my friends I probably would write a lot of the standard issues in life and have no humor, love or warmth around me.
If it was not for the words we write there would be nothing in the world to read. There are a lot of persons out there who enjoy reading on all different subjects. For this I am eternally grateful. Not only do they keep us employed but it warms our heart and soul knowing that persons still believe in reading and have a interest in what we have to say. If I can make just one person happy about the words I have written my heart becomes elated. For I know that I brought joy to one persons life that day. That their soul was touched and a smile cast on their face.
Like I said writers write. We write because we enjoy it. We all have one common goal to bring a little smile, comfort, joy, laughter to someone’s day who may have needed it.
So as long as we can keep on spreading it around we will. That is why we write.

When you need me,
just whisper my name in your heart,
I will be there.
Have a glorious week.


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