Evidently It Is In The Water

Here I thought things were improving. We all had resigned ourselves that men will be men. Given up all hope of any sound rationalization from them.

To coin a cliché “washed them right out of our hair”. Like what were we thinking, no we didn’t drink the water. However, it maybe necessary to either drink it ourselves or find a really really good shrink. Of course with our luck it would be a man who drank the water.

It is now confirmed that water has really strange effects to it. They now are starting to realize things they did not realize before. Nor do they remember much of what they had said or how they acted towards us. Yet they take another sip and whap here we go again the past remarks come to light only to be added to new ones. I swear we may have to drink the water in order to keep up. From what we heard it is on sale at Wal-Mart. Yep that dang smiley face rolled back the price on a case of it. Honestly, it is true. We have it on good authority that men at midnight, when it came on sale were at Wal-Mart buying it by the case. Someone close to me works there and believe me he was affected by the water to. However, in all fairness I can not let him take all the blame that dam smiley face encouraged him too. Being the male species he is yes you guessed it, he drank it. I know he did even though he swears he didn’t. I know because of our conversation this morning. Ummm, Scottie beam me up now. I will take any planet or galaxy that does not sell water where the bottle is labeled stupid on it.

Mr. “It’s not you it’s me”. Had seen the light. God I hope it was the light and not a flash from someone’s digital camera. He decides he missed her and wants her and needs her. My advice to her “hide the water”. Will this last? He is a man. They get so dam distracted he may just forget and drink the dam water again. I seriously hope not and if he does well let’s just say I don’t want to be him. Talk about a sonic blast. Excuse me , “Scottie get over here now and beam me the hell up”. Of course it figures, Scottie’s another man, bet you he found the water samples labeled stupid.

Mr. “I don’t get it at all is so clueless that a GPS system would not help him. I do not believe there are any miracles out there for him either. Mind you I know him very well and love him a lot. Ok he pays me to say that lol. He comes out with the friends speech and then ends it with I love you baby. Hello, you there, ya you put the water down nice and slow and we just may and I mean may not hurt you. I don’t know if it is all the water he is drinking that solely is the cause or if the time difference and temperature have something to attribute to it. Na, it is definitely him. I can say that. It is not like he can fire me. If he does who would run things. Nice to have job security. Besides he would end up in more blogs and he knows it.

I am just hoping and praying to God that my friend stays the hell away from that water today. I am not sure I can go through another session of “what” and “you’re the author what should I say”. Ok I would love to apologize in advance to him for adding him in the stupid water drinking group, however, I did warn him I was going to. It will be ok. I know he drank the dam water and will be at work and by the time I talk to him or he reads this we maybe back were we started without a clue. Dear God I hope not. I am not sure I can do another session. However, that dam smiley face bouncing up and down saying “come drink the nice, cold stupid water”. It just does not help my cause. Where the hell is Scottie? Yep, he now has been affected by the stupid water wondering what he was going to do.

We now have developed our own saying:

If it isn’t broken don’t fix it. If it says water but the label reads “stupid”, don’t drink it.

Will this work well ah well ah, umm wonder if Scottie has someone else that can come and do the beaming. If there is it better dam well be a female cause at this point I am not to comfortable with men dealing with anything mechanical, computerized or even feeding the family dog. Glad mines female or I would really be worrying over here.

Simply put to our males here “Don’t drink the water, stupid”.


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