Which Way Do I Go George??

That seems to be the question I am asking lately. It seems like every time I turn around there is either another site to check on, write for, post on, et.
Check emails, do promos, talk to publisher, deal with agent, take time out for friends who somehow with no fault of their own seem to have a major dilemma in the middle of my tornado. It is my tornado and I really do not feel like sharing it. Come to think of it if I look around my house I can honestly say it hit here.

Just as three things get checked off list I add another half a dozen that need to be done. Unfortunately it seems by ends day. Now if the day ended on the time I needed like oh next Tuesday would be good. I may just have a chance to out run the tornado. Life however, is just not that simple. We all have commitments and other things to do. A lot of times we somehow manage to over book ourselves that two of us would be a good thing.

One of my best friends suggested I keep a planner, ah ok been doing that for years. “Just write down the things to do that day and your done”. Needless, to say it took me a good twenty minutes to stop laughing over that. Yes, I have planner, does it work? Hell no. I got more arrows pushing things to the next day that I do believe I now need one for 2011. So I ask “George which way do I go? Good old dependable George or I thought so. At last check he was fixing his GPS and is of no help.

Another friend says “do the important things first”. Once again I break out in hysterical laughter now wondering what the hell is in their coffee. It must be really good and I want some.

Then I hear “take a five minute break”. Oh, that works so well - not. When taking a five with a friend do not kid yourself it turns out to be twenty. With my friends usually a hour. They are my friends and I love them I really do. At times I do wonder what they are thinking and maybe they need George to help. That’s right George is confused himself over his GPS. I think George needs whatever is in my friends coffee maybe it will help.

Then I have them show up in my I m windows. “Are you working”? Let’s see here my status says “at work”. No I’m not working I just didn’t feel like changing the status. Ok, and we are off. Do not know where they are off to but they are definitely off. I kindly tell them yes I am. I have five windows open here. Their response “oh , so your not busy”. Somehow their loving and meaningful antics will end them up in one of books one day. I base all my books on real life and thanks to my friends I will never ever be short of material to write about.

So in order to handle the dang tornado that keeps on building I do have my friends for their humor. As the old saying goes take one day at a time. Good theory but do you think oh I can get another few days and hours added to the week. At least have George fixing his GPS, valium, strong coffee anything that may help. Most likely not. We face each day with a smile on our face ready to greet it. Ya sure we do but if it works for you go ahead.

So my only question left is “Which way do I go George”?


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