Prevent And Treat Cancer Through Your Daily Foods

April 30, 11:31 AM · debbie nicholson - St. Louis Alternative Medicine Examiner In the United States more than 500,000 persons die from cancer. National Cancer Researcher Rachael Stolzenberg-Solomon believes that the most inexpensive and easiest way to prevent cancer is through your diet. Findings from the American Association for Cancer Research show that persons who eat certain foods are less likely to get cancer. Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts and cabbage have powerful antioxidants that have the possibility of to decrease the risk of getting cancer. Carrots contain immense amounts of beta carotene that possibly reduce the risk of a ample span of cancers like throat, bladder, prostate, lung, breast and more. Other vegetables to help with cancer are: Chili Peppers Jalapenos Cruciferous such as broccoli Mushrooms Sea Weed and other Sea vegetables Sweet Potato Legumes Dark Leafy Vegetables such as spinach and romaine lettuce Tofu Onions Leeks...