Special Blog Announcement

My upcoming book “Dancin With The Devil Till We Make It Right” shortly will be underway. I decided to add a new twist with this book. I am asking persons who have/had cancer, those who have someone close to them that have/had, or did not receive their rainbows in time a special request if you will.
For the book which is poetry based on “Dancin With The Devil”, if you wish to submit a few lines of thought. Whether it be inspirational, sad, happy, hopeful, and so on.
I will be reviewing them and creating the poems for the book out of them. I can not guarantee every person who sends one in will be used. I will try to use all I can.
The reason for doing this is simple. For those of us who have/had danced with the devil know what it is truly like. For those of us who have witnessed it you have attained a knowledge of what we have/had gone through. Those of us who have lost someone to the devil it is the fact the may be gone but not forgotten. They are now are special angel friends.
I wanted someway for everyone to have just a drop of input in this book.
A portion of proceeds will be donated.
Thank you all for your assistance.
Please email your ideas to:
subject line: devil poetry
Once again I would like to thank everyone ahead of time for their assistance.
Author Debbie Nicholson