You Know Its A Bad Day When Your Personalities Argue

You know you have had a really bad day when all your personalities can't seem to get along. I found this to be very true today. How? Because mine sure didn't. They seem to be arguing among each other, thank God they left me out of it. Who I was at which time. Let's recount shall we from early this morning about 5 am I turned into one of my office staff doing social accounts. Then I got to be freelance writer. Jumped on over to author. Then to support group founder then back to author. Pits stop time needed a dam cigarette here at that point and number 4 on the pot of coffee. Then business owner. Then back to author, then freelancer then at that point I sat back and let my personalities figure it out. I was dam tired too.

If that is not enough today. One friend calls me and says are you on your cell? Now, bear this in mind she had called my cell phone number to ask me this question. Ah, OK maybe I should borrow her one of my personalities. After that event, called my significant other just to check who the hell I was cause I wasn't sure myself. Here is the scarey part of it he knows. The man I swear has a dam crystal ball or something. One day could not find my bank card he knows where I put it. Yet he can't remember important dates. Wait I take that back he can remember the sports events. OK, I gave in to several sporting events. He has gone where no man has succeeded before and got me actually paying attention. It is amazing the useless information he maintains. What is comical about that is it is usually my useless information. God love the man I don't know how he puts up with me but he does. No wonder I wrote him a book.

So far as of this writing its time to kick back and make notes for the final book of the Love And Laughter Trilogy. Hopefully all my personalities will kick on back and get it together before morning so I know just who I am and when.

Among my many talents here this one cracks me up my roommates expect me to cook dinner too. Yep they want Enchiladas for dinner. So among having 6 tabs open on my computer, the stove is now getting a work out at the same time. This is not hard to do except when you notice you have now done way to many things and try stirring the meat but instead walk in your office to your computer and try to stir it. Thought there was a reason why I didn't see the dang pot. It's been one of those days. Yet, the man I love dearly insists I am over worked. I think he is just being silly now. OK he has a point now I need a assistant here and fast. If he thinks I am going to become organized he is totally insane.

On that wonderful note of insanity one of my personalities is going to write.

Have a good evening.


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