Are School Lunches Becoming A National Security Threat

Mission Readiness a bipartisan, non- profit organization led by senior retired military officers, conducted a study that indicates school lunches are making American children obese. A very small group could meet the standards of the military's physical fitness.

Navy Rear Admiral Retired James Barnett Jr. who is a member of Mission Readiness indicated that in the year 2030, national security of this country will be totally relied on the reverting the obesity rates in American children.

Tuesday's report states that 27 percent of Americans between the ages of 17 and 24 are overweight to join the military. They have admitted freely that other factors such as criminal records and lack of high school diplomas are reasons for rejections into the military. The weight problems have seemingly increased over the last plus 10 years.

Statistics from Centers Of Disease Control And Prevention attest to a powerful climb in obesity of young Americans country wide since 1955. Currently there are 39 states with a increase of 40 percent or more of obesity in young adults.

During World War II the adverse had occurred. The problem with young American recruits were found to have diminutive growth and depleted nourishment.

In 1946 the military encouraged Congress to institute the national school lunch program to provide adequate meals for children to grow up healthy.

Today the group is requesting congress to spend 4.5 billion or more if need over a period 10 years for the nutrition programs. This basically equals to 1 billion per year for a period of 10 years. The bill also includes healthier choices for lunches and vending machines including no junk food or high calorie beverages. Improve the overall quality of school lunches.

Unfortunately a lot of persons wanting to join today simply can not due so due to the obesity problems in young Americans today.


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