Ignorance Is Not Always Bliss

Very rarely do I rant or rave about comments I receive I am now taking exception to that rule. I had written a article which for public information as most of you are aware was one the leading news stories nation wide. Are School Lunches Becoming A Security Threat. There were a lot of freelance reporters covering this story, I was one of them that had it assigned to me.

I had received a comment from a person who did not drink the stupid water or fall in it, they were just plain rude and ignorant.

I would like to state that they are entitled to their own opinion, however, I and other readers who follow me did not find it comical.

I would like to know what is “so funny” about children being over weight. I fail to see the humor here.
What is so dam funny about the fact that being obese can lead to heart conditions, high blood pressure, Type II diabetes not to mention certain forms of cancer such as bowl.

What is funny that being over weight causes lung problems complete with shortness of breath. Asthma can occur even to the point of being on oxygen for the rest of their life. What is so dam funny about wanting schools to make healthier choices, taking out junk food out of vending machines. I am so failing to see the humor here.

I wonder if this person will find it so dam funny that if this trend keeps up it can majorly hamper our military. That the country could be put in a very vulnerable state. I wonder if they would find it funny if they had heart problems or danced with the devil.

They say ignorance is bliss well they are definitely blissful alright. As far as my writing if you do not like what I write or my style and excuse me I do oops at times on words all writers do. Then here is a suggestion don't bother reading anything I write. Do not comment all you are doing is show how ignorant you can be. There are a lot of persons concerned about this late breaking news. I did not write the story out of the blue. It was all over the news. Another news flash for them there are parents that are concerned about what there children eat when they are away from home. There are parents that do not wish or want their children to grow up having cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure or other diseases that can be attributed to obesity. All I can say I hope and pray that you or someone you know does not become obese and suffer the medical outcome.

If you wish to read the article and leave a rebuttal back by all means do so.

Thanks so much for letting me vent. Have a wonderful day .

Article is at: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/2916942/are_school_lunches_becoming_a_national.html?cat=5


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