Obesity in children is increasing. According to the National Center Health Statics, 17 percent of children aged 2 -19 years old are obese. There is no question that being obese can lead to a major list of health problems such as heart attach, stroke, high blood pressure and even certain types of cancer like bowl cancer. Children who are obese suffer from increases in Type II Diabetes. It has been sourced directly to diet which contains exceedingly prepared foods fast food with exorbitant amounts of sugar.

As we know a child should never be put on a definitive diet. Set healthy weight loss goals for your child with a registered dietician and physician. The major part of this is to feed children real food Food that was food once before the processed era came along.

Meat, poultry and fish along with eggs, dairy products and grains will provide protein. Include vegetables in their daily diet. If your children do not like them you can put them under pizza toppings or try serving them different like cauliflower with cheese sauce. If you can not get good fresh vegetables buying frozen ones are just as good. Buy natural yogurt and add the fruit in it. Buy water instead of soda. One can of coke contains 9.14 teaspoons of sugar. Try making your own fresh squeezed juices. Even you can't look for juices labeled 100 percent pure fruit juice. Try buying whole grain or multi – grain breads.

Children must eat three healthy meals per day. Use healthy snacks for in between meals such as carrot sticks, fresh fruit, yogurt, or cheese chunks on wheat crackers. All children need to eat breakfast in order for metabolism to get started and they do not burn out during the day. Remember to slowly decrease the sugar intake. Yes you can give them withdraws from a sudden stop to sugar.

Inspire your children to do physical activities for at least one hour a day. Make sure they enjoy it. Go bicycle riding with them, shoot some hoops, or even a nature walk.

Sitting in front of the television and watching television shows or playing video games is fine if done in moderation such as two hours a day. They need to get up and move around and just not plop down like a couch potato.

Do not buy processed foods, junk food or sodas.

Make sure they get a good nights sleep. Toddlers need to sleep the longest amount of time. Ages 6 -12 need at least ten hours of sleep and adolescents need at least 9 hours per night.

Show your children how to make smart health choices in the foods they eat. And remember we teach by example. If your child sees you drinking massive amounts of coke or eating candy bars left and right so will they.

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