Author Debbie Nicholson Appearing On Poetic Monthly

Author Debbie Nicholson of the Love and Laughter Trilogy will be giving an interview tomorrow night at 6:30 pm Eastern Standard time on Poetic Monthly Blog Talk Radio.

Ms. Nicholson’s will be discussing her latest release “Sweet Serenity”. A book of poetry that was written especially for and dedicated to her significant other. Ms. Nicholson states she written the book for him not only because of the support he has given her in her career and other life aspects. It was also written because of the love, trust and happiness he has shown to her since they had met. Most of all her way of thanking him for being by her side while she was “Dancing With The Devil” cancer. She remarks that he held her up even at the worse moments during her battle and never once letting her fall.

“Sweet Serenity” is a collection of all original quotes and poems written by Ms. Nicholson. Romance at its finest. Sometimes words may fail but poems never do.
In the book passion, lust, life, peace, tranquility, hope, desire, dreams and fulfillment are covered. It is available on Amazon Books currently for purchase.

Ms. Nicholson is also author of Love, Laughter And Tears In My Soul. Another poetry book based on the Love And Laughter Series. She is also founder of Special Circle Of Friends a cancer support group and Musicians Fight For Life a non-profit organization to help those with cancer.

To learn more about Ms. Nicholson check out her Official Author Page at


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