Author Debbie Nicholson Appearing On Page Readers

Author Debbie Nicholson of the Love and Laughter Trilogy will be giving an interview today at Noon Eastern Standard time on Page Readers Blog Talk Radio.
Ms. Nicholson’s will be discussing her latest release “Love And Laughter After The Tears" book 2 in the Love And Laughter Trilogy.
Faith does move in mysterious ways. The spiritual journey of love, laughter and tears was not yet to be finished. Tragedy and sorrow was to be revisited once more. Spiritual enlightenment was needed to be found once more.
It was a year ago that I had woke. The fatal end looming thick in the air. The day my life was shattered. My heart ripped out and my soul lost. It was a time I grieved so deep that black skies were present. A day my tears should of been 24kt gold. A time I wish I could totally forget.
Recently Released also on Amazon Books:
“Sweet Serenity” is a collection of all original quotes and poems written by Ms. Nicholson. Romance at its finest. Sometimes words may fail but poems never do.
In the book passion, lust, life, peace, tranquility, hope, desire, dreams and fulfillment are covered. It is available on Amazon Books currently for purchase.
Ms. Nicholson is also author of Love, Laughter And Tears In My Soul. Another poetry book based on the Love And Laughter Series. She is also founder of Special Circle Of Friends a cancer support group and Musicians Fight For Life a non-profit organization to help those with cancer.
To learn more about Ms. Nicholson check out her Official Author Page at