Author Rick Schamber Appearing On Kelly Outdoors

Author Rick Schamber will be appearing on Kelly Outdoors Blog Radio on Wednesday 10 pm eastern time.

Tune in to hear Mr. Schamber discuss his latest books, hunting, guiding and more.

Kelly Outdoors is hosted by Mr. Kelly himself. Kelly Outdoors says it all, it is all about the great outdoors and the aspects what the outdoors has to present. Hunting, fishing, boating and more outdoor sports are featured with numerous guests such as Michael Pearce, outdoor writer/photographer. You can read his articles in various magazines such as Outdoor Life.

Mr. Schamber in his own right has been a hunter for 35 years and served as a pro guide for 18 years. He is rated in the state of Florida as one of the top seven turkey contest callers, places in the top eight for the Eastern United States. He also has placed in the top 100 trophy for white tail deer guiding and in the top 50 guides for wild turkey in the Mid West United States.

Mr. Schamber has now brought his knowledge, skill and even antidotes about hunting to the literary world. He currently has two books out on Amazon Books, Wild Turkey Spring Fling: My Guide For The New And Novice Hunter vol. 1 and Wild Turkey: My Stories From The Field vol. 1.

Mr. Schamber currently is back in the writing stream working on his next book Wild Turkey: My Stories From The Field vol. 2.

Mr. Schamber's Official Author Site is Http://

For information concerning interviews, lectures, speaking engagements and public appearances.. Contact his promotions company Two Sisters Promotions email at


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