
Showing posts from August, 2017

Cash Is No Longer King It’s Been Dethroned

Find Out the Newest Trend to Dethroning Dollar Bills Remember when cash ruled? But times have changed and consumers are now using a fast, easy and secure new way to move money. See more.

Are Your Bad Habits Due to STRESS Damaging Your GUMS

Reduce your stress and avoid gum disease and overall healthcare costs Studies have revealed that stress can wreak havoc on our immune system, and contribute to chronic disease like periodontal disease which has been linked to heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease and even poses a risk for pregnant women. Read more.

The 3Doodler is Helping Bring STEM/STEAM Projects to Life for Schools, Including Students with Disabilities

Max Bogue, CEO and Founder Discusses the  3Doodler  on its One Millionth Sale Today, the 3Doodler offers a range of 3D printing pens and accessories for ages 8 to 80, from hobbyist to professional, is stocked nationwide and hit its threshold of selling its one millionth unit. Max Bogue, CEO and Founder of the 3Doodler  joins us to discuss the 3Doodler. Read more.

Over 500 Air Conditioning and Heating Systems Donated to Habitat for Humanity by Carrier

NFL Pro Bowler and philanthropist Warrick Dunn joins Carrier in Atlanta Celebrating Carriers Donation   to Habitat for Humanity Carrier has teamed up with pro football legend and longtime Habitat supporter, Warrick Dunn, in Atlanta to celebrate their donation of over 500 heating and cooling systems to Habitat for Humanity so more families can stay cool this summer who otherwise couldn’t afford it. Read full story